RG Kar Medical College
Ex-Students’ Association
1, Khudiram Bose Sarani, Kolkata- 700004
Phone: 9830095586/ 9830144496/9830007749/980791251/96811776844
e-mail: rgkexasso@gmail.com
Website: www.rgkarmceexstudentsassociation.com
The 91st Annual General Body meeting of the R. G. Kar Medical College Ex-students’ Association will be held on Saturday, 16th September, 2023 at 1.30 pm. As our office room is illegally locked by some unknown persons, the meeting will be held online. The link for the meeting will be shared later.
All members are requested to be present online in the meeting.
Date: 29/08/2023
Dr Santanu Sen Hony. Secretary
1. To receive, consider and confirm the proceedings of the previous Annual General Meeting
of the association, held on 3rd September, 2022.
2. To receive, consider and adopt the Annual Report of the executive committee of the past
3. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited accounts of the past year (2022-2023).
4. To pass the budget estimate of the ensuing year (2023-2024).
5. To appoint an auditor for the ensuing year and to fix the remuneration for him/her, if any.
6. To consider resolutions brought forward by the Executive Committee and by individual
member, if any.
7. To elect five Ex-students to form a part of panel for the Presidentship of the college
Reunion, 2023.
8. To elect patron(s), not exceeding three in number.
9. To change the bankers if necessary.
10. To elect members of the Executive Committee and to elect Office bearers from amongst
11. To transact such other business that in terms of Rules and Bye- laws might be transacted at
the Annual General Meeting.
12. Discussion on date of Annual General Meeting.
13. Issue regarding Income tax filling Ex-students’ association.
14. Miscellaneous, if any.
N.B 1. Motion & amendments: Notice of motion and amendments to be brought Before the Annual General Meeting shall reach the Secretary at least 4 clear Days before the date of meeting [ Rule 10 Clause v].
2. No member shall be eligible for election to the Executive Committee, nor vote who has not paid his/her Annual subscription for the previous year [ Rule 8 clause(a) III]
3. No member shall be eligible for election to the Executive Committee unless he/she has expressed his/her willingness to serve the committee[Rule 8 Clause (a) I]
4. Replies in writing should reach the secretary at least 4 days before the date fixed for Annual General Meeting [ Rule 8 (a)].